Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hate crime and gender discrimination rampant

A large number of tragic losses of life have recently come to public attention in lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and transgender communities and sadly, there are also daily acts of hate, bias and discrimination that go unnoticed or unreported. The LGBTQ Center has called upon all members of the public to stand up to these acts.

As many as 7 children aged between 11 and 18 have died recently at the hands of others or by their own hand after suffering from harassment based on their gender identity.

People who participate in or fail to intervene in these extreme acts of intolerance base on their perception of another person’s known sexual identity, gender identity or gender expression only serve to perpetuate these hateful crimes and senseless and unnecessary loss of life.

In order to deal with the root cause of gender or sex based hate and discrimination, it is vital that there be continuing education, open and frank discussion and that successful intervention strategies be developed and implemented before it is too late for other young people who find themselves in similar circumstances. Youth must know that they can lead productive and happy lives and at the same time, feel free to express their sexual orientation and gender identity. It is time for an end to hate crime, rampant bigotry and open harassment.

It is hoped that these recent incidents serve as a call to action for all people who interact with youth who struggle to openly express their sexual identity and that we can see an end to mindless violence and self harm by individuals literally terrorized by hate and discrimination based on ignorance and lack of education.

There are resources in your local communities able and willing to help and if you know a young person affected by discrimination and bias based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, take action and intervene before it is too late. We must all strive to make the world a more welcoming, accepting and harmonious environment for all regardless of age, sex, gender, orientation or sexual preference.

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