Thursday, October 21, 2010

Learn Beginner Spanish

Learn Beginner Spanish

1) Learn to speak Spanish without breaking the bank!

Every year people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on language learning tools attempting to learn to speak Spanish as quickly as possible. What do you think they would say if you could prove to them that they were wasting their money?

2) Become confident enough in your abilities that you can handle yourself comfortably in any situation

The problem with most of the formal language learning tools currently available on the market is that they are intended for travelers. That is all fine and good if you are travelling to a foreign country and just need to learn enough of the language to find your way to the train station and back without finding yourself the hostage of the little green men because you have become so lost that you have actually wandered out of earth’s orbit, but it doesn’t do you much good if you are attempting to discuss day to day events!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hate crime and gender discrimination rampant

A large number of tragic losses of life have recently come to public attention in lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and transgender communities and sadly, there are also daily acts of hate, bias and discrimination that go unnoticed or unreported. The LGBTQ Center has called upon all members of the public to stand up to these acts.

As many as 7 children aged between 11 and 18 have died recently at the hands of others or by their own hand after suffering from harassment based on their gender identity.

People who participate in or fail to intervene in these extreme acts of intolerance base on their perception of another person’s known sexual identity, gender identity or gender expression only serve to perpetuate these hateful crimes and senseless and unnecessary loss of life.

In order to deal with the root cause of gender or sex based hate and discrimination, it is vital that there be continuing education, open and frank discussion and that successful intervention strategies be developed and implemented before it is too late for other young people who find themselves in similar circumstances. Youth must know that they can lead productive and happy lives and at the same time, feel free to express their sexual orientation and gender identity. It is time for an end to hate crime, rampant bigotry and open harassment.

It is hoped that these recent incidents serve as a call to action for all people who interact with youth who struggle to openly express their sexual identity and that we can see an end to mindless violence and self harm by individuals literally terrorized by hate and discrimination based on ignorance and lack of education.

There are resources in your local communities able and willing to help and if you know a young person affected by discrimination and bias based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, take action and intervene before it is too late. We must all strive to make the world a more welcoming, accepting and harmonious environment for all regardless of age, sex, gender, orientation or sexual preference.

Hate crime and gender discrimination rampant

A large number of tragic losses of life have recently come to public attention in lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and transgender communities and sadly, there are also daily acts of hate, bias and discrimination that go unnoticed or unreported. The LGBTQ Center has called upon all members of the public to stand up to these acts.

As many as 7 children aged between 11 and 18 have died recently at the hands of others or by their own hand after suffering from harassment based on their gender identity.

People who participate in or fail to intervene in these extreme acts of intolerance base on their perception of another person’s known sexual identity, gender identity or gender expression only serve to perpetuate these hateful crimes and senseless and unnecessary loss of life.

In order to deal with the root cause of gender or sex based hate and discrimination, it is vital that there be continuing education, open and frank discussion and that successful intervention strategies be developed and implemented before it is too late for other young people who find themselves in similar circumstances. Youth must know that they can lead productive and happy lives and at the same time, feel free to express their sexual orientation and gender identity. It is time for an end to hate crime, rampant bigotry and open harassment.

It is hoped that these recent incidents serve as a call to action for all people who interact with youth who struggle to openly express their sexual identity and that we can see an end to mindless violence and self harm by individuals literally terrorized by hate and discrimination based on ignorance and lack of education.

There are resources in your local communities able and willing to help and if you know a young person affected by discrimination and bias based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, take action and intervene before it is too late. We must all strive to make the world a more welcoming, accepting and harmonious environment for all regardless of age, sex, gender, orientation or sexual preference.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gender Identity - Gender Reassignment - New Equality Legislation in UK

Many provisions of the Equality Act 2010 come into force in the United Kingdom on 1 October 2010.

The Act was one of the last pieces of legislation to be enacted under the Labour Government and represents the culmination of years of lobbying by equality campaigners in the United Kingdom. The Equality Act 2010 will apply in England, Wales and Scotland.  Northern Ireland does not come under the scheme of the Act as the Northern Ireland Assembly has power to legislate in this area.

The provisions that came into force today include:

  • Changing the definition of gender reassignment, by removing the requirement for medical supervision.
  • Extending protection in private clubs to sex, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment.

The Act is an important innovation in the UK in taking a holistic approach to equality law – where a single body is charged with monitoring and enforcement.  The preexisting UK patchwork equality regime was very complex and difficult to navigate, it is therefore intended that this single Act will make the equality laws clearer and deliver greater compliance.  Importantly the Act clarifies the definitions of harassment, discrimination and victimization and applies them across all of the protected grounds in the Act.  The legislation represents the evolution of equality law in the UK from a formal equality model to a substantive equality model that addresses not only direct discrimination but also more subtle incidences of indirect discrimination, harassment and victimization.

Gender Identity - Gender Reassignment - New Equality Legislation in UK

Many provisions of the Equality Act 2010 come into force in the United Kingdom on 1 October 2010.

The Act was one of the last pieces of legislation to be enacted under the Labour Government and represents the culmination of years of lobbying by equality campaigners in the United Kingdom. The Equality Act 2010 will apply in England, Wales and Scotland.  Northern Ireland does not come under the scheme of the Act as the Northern Ireland Assembly has power to legislate in this area.

The provisions that came into force today include:

  • Changing the definition of gender reassignment, by removing the requirement for medical supervision.
  • Extending protection in private clubs to sex, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment.

The Act is an important innovation in the UK in taking a holistic approach to equality law – where a single body is charged with monitoring and enforcement.  The preexisting UK patchwork equality regime was very complex and difficult to navigate, it is therefore intended that this single Act will make the equality laws clearer and deliver greater compliance.  Importantly the Act clarifies the definitions of harassment, discrimination and victimization and applies them across all of the protected grounds in the Act.  The legislation represents the evolution of equality law in the UK from a formal equality model to a substantive equality model that addresses not only direct discrimination but also more subtle incidences of indirect discrimination, harassment and victimization.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Equality in the workplace - Gender Bias

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC) released its 2010 Corporate Equality Index report on the 1st of October 2010.

Northrop Grumman Corporation, a leading global security company which employs over 120,000 people and which provides innovative systems, products, and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide was among 337 companies to receive the top score this year from HRC, the nation's leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans gender (LGBT) civil-rights organization.

A spokesperson for Northrop Grumman Corporation advised that workers are protected from employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression because of their employers' policies on diversity and inclusion, training and benefits. Federal law does not protect employees from discrimination based on real or perceived gender identity or sexual orientation, although many cities, counties and states have such protections. Similarly, employer-based health insurance benefits typically do not cover LGBT workers and their families.

Equality in the workplace - Gender Bias

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC) released its 2010 Corporate Equality Index report on the 1st of October 2010.

Northrop Grumman Corporation, a leading global security company which employs over 120,000 people and which provides innovative systems, products, and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide was among 337 companies to receive the top score this year from HRC, the nation's leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans gender (LGBT) civil-rights organization.

A spokesperson for Northrop Grumman Corporation advised that workers are protected from employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression because of their employers' policies on diversity and inclusion, training and benefits. Federal law does not protect employees from discrimination based on real or perceived gender identity or sexual orientation, although many cities, counties and states have such protections. Similarly, employer-based health insurance benefits typically do not cover LGBT workers and their families.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gender Reassignment Surgery - A review of Meidcal History

The first genital reconstructive surgery was undertaken between about 1930 and 1960 by urologist Hugh Hampton-Young and other surgeons at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

The demand for surgeries did not truly take off until about the 1950's by which time new techniques had been pioneered by Lawson Wilkins. Surgery on infants with 'uncharacterized' or 'ambiguous' genitalia were particularly prominent around this time and Wilkins' technique allowed for 'unwanted' genitalia to be removed and a birth certificate issued with some certainty declaring whether a child was indeed a 'boy' or a 'girl'!

However, time would show that clearly defining genitalia through operative procedures did not necessarily mean that the doctor's or indeed the parents had got the 'gender identity' of the infant right and often, such children would grow through infancy and into their teens as people feeling as though they were trapped in the wrong body. This is the condition commonly known as gender dysphoria where ones sense of who we really are does not match up with our physical sexual characteristics.

The recent case of German internet pop sensation Kim Petras is a case in point. Born as Tim Petras, Kim apparently knew from age 2 onwards that 'he' was really a 'she' and dressed as a girl, displayed all the mannerisms and behaviors of a girl and grew her hair like a girl. Her case is possibly one of the most astonishing documented yet. She began hormone therapy at age 12 and was accepted for full gender reassignment surgery in late 2009 to officially become Kim Petras, thought to be the world's youngest ever sex reassignment patient.

Research into the many possible variations of reassignment surgery was continued on by a pediatric psychologist named John Money who conducted extensive research into the earlier procedures carried out by Hampton-Young.

With the sexual revolution, the 1970's and 1980's were critical decades in the development of surgical techniques for gender reassignment. It was true then as it is to this day, that male to female (MtF) reconstructions were easier for surgeons than the corresponding female to Male (FtM) surgeries simply because it was (and still is) easier to construct a vagina than it is to create a functioning penis.

Through time surgery on infants has become less and less recommended however, the number of adults undergoing gender reassignment surgery has increased through time. The new e-book titled "Trans-gender Society - An In depth look into Gender Identity Disorder" is soon to be released and this work will delve deeply into subjects including the history of surgical procedures on infants and adults alike.

This new e-book will be an invaluable resource for all those who suffer from gender identity disorder and who want a complete reference for themselves, family and friends.

About the Author

Ashley Stevenson is a journalist who supplements his income with a home based internet marketing business selling information products. For information about the product which is the subject of this article click through one of these links.

Average Joe Marketer - Niche Marketing for Joe Average- A review

I have recently had opportunity to review this package. There are lots and lots of would be guru's out there peddling their wares with video and audio, e-books, personal coaching on the subject of the secrets of internet marketing to specific niche markets.

This package seems to be targeted at your every day average (real) person in that it doesn't talk about flash and expensive coaching programs or live video feeds via webinar as seems to be the norm these days for the mega product launches we are bombarded with almost daily.

Average Joe Marketer points out that there are literally hundreds of thousands of small niche markets and that there is money to be made in those niches and what's more, that it is there to be made by you and me, Joe Average.

The basic premise is that 'the money is in the niche', at least initially, which is a departure from the product launch theory that the money is in the list and in the launch to lists of affiliates. Whilst there is undoubtedly truth in that, can you and I, Joe Average that we are, realistically pitch our launch of information products at that level? Personally, I don't think so.

The average Joe Marketer system is one which it is said can be followed by people of all ages and walks of life, with no experience in internet marketing or copy-writing. It guides you how to unearth those hot niche markets, how to make your web site the biggest and best in your particular niche and how to drive tons and tons of free traffic to your web site. For my money, it is this deluge of technical stuff that is the biggest barrier to success on the internet, so if Average Joe Marketer can help you and I overcome that hurdle, we might be a long part of the way towards achieving some kind of success.

Of course for you and I, Average Joe Marketer success on the internet is a relative term. We are not all looking to retire or to give up our day job. Many if not most of the people I know who are trying to make a buck on the internet are doing so to supplement income to improve their lifestyle.

The package covers how to use audio, video and copy-writing tricks and tips to market your web site. It claims to give 100% cold hard facts and techniques. At only $39.95 this may well be the information product for the masses of Average Joe Marketers out there looking to gain some insight into the tricks of the trade with internet marketing and to get started without breaking the bank.
I'm about to dash out and get my copy and see what Average Joe Marketer is all about.

Development of Gender and Gender Identity - The effects of Hormones in Utero

Monday, July 5, 2010

Press Release - Gender Reassignment and Gender Identity


The Trans-gender world will soon welcome a wonderful new e-book addressing the issue of gender identity, transitioning and reassignment surgery. There are so many different terms in the gender identity world that the first thing the author felt was needed was to cut to the chase and define all the myriad of terms one comes up against from Gender identity disorder, gender dysphoria, tans-gender, transsexual and so on.

The book takes an in depth look at the development of baby in the womb and the hormonal factors which can affect the development of the fetal brain. If correct, and gender identity is influenced heavily by hormonal factors in early pregnancy, and scientists maintain that there is incontrovertible fact to back up this theory, then the 'nature v nurture' theory is knocked right out of the ballpark!

In the early stages of a pregnancy, research now shows that an over or under exposure to either testosterone,estrogen and Androgen levels can play a fundamental role in the development of the fetuses sexual and gender development and the development of the baby's gender identity.

There is also discussion about a controversial 1970's drug, Diethylstilbestrol (DES) which was primarily designed to prevent miscarriages but which, it is now believed, may have been a primary cause of those children exposed to the drug having a high incidence of Gender Identity issues.

One of the results was the birth of the occasional child which was born with 'uncharacterized genitalia' and the pressure this placed on parents and medical people alike, as there was a desire to accurately fill out a birth certificate and of primary importance was to label the child, a 'girl' or a 'boy'.

Where it was felt necessary there was a tendency to resort to surgery in some circumstances as it was felt that it was often better to act while the child was young and would not remember the procedures. Research has shown that many such children later express great dissatisfaction with their genitalia and the choices made for them by their parents.

Children affected by this drug have had to live with the choices made for them. Watch this site for further updates and reviews of this fabulous new e-book prior to its launch. Watch out also for the writer's Blogs on the various chapters of the book.

Ash Stevenson

Gender Identity Update - New e-book coming soon

Yesterday in my blog I talked about the opening 'definitions' section of my fantastic new e-book which is due out soon. There are so many different terms in the gender identity world that the first thing I felt was needed was to cut to the chase and define all the myriad of terms one comes up against from Gender identity disorder, gender dysphoria, tans-gender, transsexual and so on.

Chapter one of the book takes an in depth look at the development of baby in the womb and the hormonal factors which can affect the development of the brain. If correct, and scientists maintain that there is incontrovertible fact to back up this theory, then the 'nature v nurture' theory is knocked right out of the ballpark!

In the early stages of a pregnancy, research now shows that an over or under exposure to either testosterone,estrogen and Androgen levels can play a fundamental role in the development of the fetuses sexual and gender development.

There is also discussion in this chapter about a controversial 1070's drug which was primarily designed to prevent miscarriages but which, it is now believed, may have been a primary cause of those children exposed to the drug having a high incidence of Gender Identity issues.

We look at the resulting occasional child which was born with 'uncharacterized genitalia' and the pressure this placed on parents and medical people alike, as there was a desire to accurately fill out a birth certificate and of primary importance was to label the child, a 'girl' or a 'boy'.

Where it was felt necessary there was a tendency to resort to surgery in some circumstances as it was felt that it was often better to act while the child was young and would not remember the procedures. Research has shown that many such children later express great dissatisfaction with the choices made for them.

Watch out in coming days for more on this excellent new resource for the trans-gender population and the friends, families and colleagues.

Ash Stevenson

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Release of new e-book on Gender Identity

Release of new e-book on Gender Identity

Gender Identity Disorder in children

Gender Identity E-book - coming soon

Hello World

Gender Identity is a huge issue for literally thousands of people the world over. I am excited to announce the imminent release of what I believe to be a first of its kind in the electronic book market and the best resource available on the subject of Gender Identity, gender dysphoria and sex reassignment surgery.

Before commencing writing the book I undertook lengthy research and completed a survey to see what the most pressing issues were for people in the transgender world. My thanks to all of the kind people who took their time to complete my survey and give me such a valuable insight into your most pressing issues.

The book is with a professional proof reader for its final edit and I hope to have it live and available in less than two to three weeks after an initial publicity campaign to promote this excellent resource which I am very proud of.

The book takes an in depth look at theories surrounding gender development in the womb and the development of gender identity issues in toddlers and teens. I take an intricate look into the history of the transgender world and the first medical procedures right through to the present day and the procedures now available.

We take an in depth look at Gender Dysphoria and those whose birth sex does not match their gender identity. What are their options?

Trans-gender people are often victimized physically and emotionally and the ebook delves deeply into the issues of 'coming out' to family, work colleagues and friends. Strategies for dealing with disclosure at home and on the work front are canvassed as is the timing of such a disclosure.

Not all trans-gender people will undergo reassignment surgery but for those who do, this ebook takes a thorough trip through all of the surgical procedures which are available and potential complications and how to deal with them. Post op procedures are looked at also.

This 80 page e-book is going to be an enormously valuable resource for trans-gender people, their families and employers so that all concerned can be helped to see past the stereotypes and misinformation surrounding this subject.

The book is going to retail for only $37 and there will be some one time only bonuses for those who get in early and pre order a copy. You can order your copy and bonuses by leaving your details in a comment on my blog.

Watch this blog site for further updates nearer to launch date.

Ashley Stevenson
July 3, 2010