Monday, July 5, 2010

Gender Identity Update - New e-book coming soon

Yesterday in my blog I talked about the opening 'definitions' section of my fantastic new e-book which is due out soon. There are so many different terms in the gender identity world that the first thing I felt was needed was to cut to the chase and define all the myriad of terms one comes up against from Gender identity disorder, gender dysphoria, tans-gender, transsexual and so on.

Chapter one of the book takes an in depth look at the development of baby in the womb and the hormonal factors which can affect the development of the brain. If correct, and scientists maintain that there is incontrovertible fact to back up this theory, then the 'nature v nurture' theory is knocked right out of the ballpark!

In the early stages of a pregnancy, research now shows that an over or under exposure to either testosterone,estrogen and Androgen levels can play a fundamental role in the development of the fetuses sexual and gender development.

There is also discussion in this chapter about a controversial 1070's drug which was primarily designed to prevent miscarriages but which, it is now believed, may have been a primary cause of those children exposed to the drug having a high incidence of Gender Identity issues.

We look at the resulting occasional child which was born with 'uncharacterized genitalia' and the pressure this placed on parents and medical people alike, as there was a desire to accurately fill out a birth certificate and of primary importance was to label the child, a 'girl' or a 'boy'.

Where it was felt necessary there was a tendency to resort to surgery in some circumstances as it was felt that it was often better to act while the child was young and would not remember the procedures. Research has shown that many such children later express great dissatisfaction with the choices made for them.

Watch out in coming days for more on this excellent new resource for the trans-gender population and the friends, families and colleagues.

Ash Stevenson

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