Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Average Joe Marketer - Niche Marketing for Joe Average- A review


I have recently had opportunity to review this package. There are lots and lots of would be guru's out there peddling their wares with video and audio, e-books, personal coaching on the subject of the secrets of internet marketing to specific niche markets.

This package seems to be targeted at your every day average (real) person in that it doesn't talk about flash and expensive coaching programs or live video feeds via webinar as seems to be the norm these days for the mega product launches we are bombarded with almost daily.

Average Joe Marketer points out that there are literally hundreds of thousands of small niche markets and that there is money to be made in those niches and what's more, that it is there to be made by you and me, Joe Average.

The basic premise is that 'the money is in the niche', at least initially, which is a departure from the product launch theory that the money is in the list and in the launch to lists of affiliates. Whilst there is undoubtedly truth in that, can you and I, Joe Average that we are, realistically pitch our launch of information products at that level? Personally, I don't think so.

The average Joe Marketer system is one which it is said can be followed by people of all ages and walks of life, with no experience in internet marketing or copy-writing. It guides you how to unearth those hot niche markets, how to make your web site the biggest and best in your particular niche and how to drive tons and tons of free traffic to your web site. For my money, it is this deluge of technical stuff that is the biggest barrier to success on the internet, so if Average Joe Marketer can help you and I overcome that hurdle, we might be a long part of the way towards achieving some kind of success.


Of course for you and I, Average Joe Marketer success on the internet is a relative term. We are not all looking to retire or to give up our day job. Many if not most of the people I know who are trying to make a buck on the internet are doing so to supplement income to improve their lifestyle.

The package covers how to use audio, video and copy-writing tricks and tips to market your web site. It claims to give 100% cold hard facts and techniques. At only $39.95 this may well be the information product for the masses of Average Joe Marketers out there looking to gain some insight into the tricks of the trade with internet marketing and to get started without breaking the bank.
I'm about to dash out and get my copy and see what Average Joe Marketer is all about.


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