Friday, May 6, 2011

Male to Female Reassignment Surgery

A new E-book has been released entitled "Trans-Gender Society-An In Depth Look into Gender Identity Disorder". The book looks deeply into the mysteries of gender identity and will be welcomed by those in the trans-gender world as it will offer a valuable resource for families, friends and colleagues of trans people. There are so many different terms in the gender identity world that the first thing the author felt was needed was to cut to the chase and define all the myriad of terms one comes up against from Gender identity disorder, gender dysphoria, tans-gender, transsexual male to female reassignment surgery and so on.

Gender can be determined by factors beyond a baby's control which happen in the womb. The development of the fetal brain is dictated by hormonal factors which the book looks at in detail. The increasing theory that our gender is initially influenced by hormonal factors in the womb casts a pall over scientific notion along the nature vs nurture lines.

It is now believed that gender development is greatly affected by hormonal factors in early gestation. An over or under exposure to levels of androgens, estrogens or testosterone can have an irreversible effect on gender development from early pregnancy.

A drug which was intended to prevent miscarriage is now understood to have had the unintended side effect of determining a fetuses sexuality and gender identity. The book looks into this belief about gender identity in some detail.

One of the results was the birth of the occasional child which was born with 'uncharacterized genitalia' and the pressure this placed on parents and medical people alike, as there was a desire to accurately fill out a birth certificate and of primary importance was to label the child, a 'girl' or a 'boy'.

Where it was felt necessary there was a tendency to resort to surgery in some circumstances as it was felt that it was often better to act while the child was young and would not remember the procedures. There are a variety of studies which now show that many such people who had decision on male to female reassignment surgery made for them now express utter dissatisfaction with the gender choices which were made for them.

Children affected by this drug have had to live with the choices made for them. For further great information on gender identity and reassignment surgery alternatives get your copy of this fantastic e-book now. The author of this press release has a number of blogs on which he will discuss chapters of the book in further detail. 

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